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Energy technology and generation

Find out how the power city of Leipzig generates the energies of the future.

Visit the companies and research institutions that are successfully shaping the energy sector in Leipzig.


Trail station 1

Leipzig’s University of Applied Sciences for Technology, Economics and Culture (HTWK Leipzig) combines practice-oriented teaching and applied research. The university‘ s unique selling point is its broad engineering and technical profile. The HTWK Leipzig offers a wide range of teaching and research opportunities in the areas of economics, social affairs and culture. Currently, there are about 6,200 students enrolled. The HTWK is one of Germany’s most research-oriented universities of applied sciences and receives third-party funding of more than 10 million euros per year.

In the Faculty of Engineering, the Charging Infrastructure and Electromobility Competence Centre and the Institute of Electrical Energy Technology it creates research solutions for intelligent, decentralized charging infrastructure. The associated laboratories have a number of charging stations and components, ICT infrastructure, high-frequency measurement technology and IEC 61850-compliant measurement and testing technology.

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  • Streetlamp charging – charging infrastructure for electric transportation
  • EVALIA – the electric vehicle as an adjustable load in building automation and the smart grid
  • DNSec – Dynamic Network Security – security in industrial networks
  • Saxony – Transfer laboratory „Vernetzte Mobilität“ (Networked mobility) together with the universities of applied sciences in Dresden, Mittweida, Zwickau and Zittau/Görlitz


  • Demonstration of the smart-grid laboratory and various charging stations in the immediate vicinity of the university (incl. streetlamp charging)
  • Workshops about the charging infrastructure (interfaces, standards, products)

Duration: 1 hour

Trail station 2

Stadtwerke Leipzig, the Leipzig public utility company, supplies the city of Leipzig, its residents and companies with electricity, gas, and heating – efficiently and with an above-average degree of security of supply.

Stadtwerke Leipzig builds and operates the networks for electricity, gas and district heating, invests in renewable energies or generates electricity and heat in its own facilities and trades energy on the wholesale markets.

To take account of the digitalization, the changing energy market and the growing city, Stadtwerke is developing a concept for a future-oriented heat supply for the city of Leipzig and expanding its business in energy services and neighborhood development.

The Leipziger Stadtwerke Group is one of the largest municipal energy suppliers in Germany and has sales of around 2 billion euros and 1,200 employees.

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Current projects

  • District heating transformation
  • District energy supply development
  • Digitalization


  • Visit to CHP production: CCGT and gas engines
  • Digital hub: municipal utility projects and new working methods
  • Visit to a heat storage unit

Trail station 3

The Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum- (DBFZ) „German Biomass Research Center“ was established in 2008 as the central research institution for all relevant fields of applied bioenergy research. The DBFZ brings together the highly complex German research landscape in this sector. The scientific mission of the DBFZ is to provide support for the efficient integration of biomass as a valuable resource for sustainable energy supply within the framework of an organically based economy. This mandate covers technical, ecological, economic, social and energy aspects along the entire process chain. The development of new processes, procedures and concepts is accompanied and supported by the DBFZ in close cooperation with industrial partners. In addition, the DBFZ develops scientifically sound decision-making aids for politicians.

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Various projects in the fields of intelligent biomass heating technologies (smart biomass heat), anaerobic processes (biogas), catalytic emission reduction, biofuels and chemical energy sources, hydrothermal processes, system contribution of biomass, monitoring of the bio-economy.

Guided tour of selected pilot plants and laboratories of the research facility (combustion and compacting pilot plant, fuel pilot plant, engine test bench, research biogas plant, research biogas laboratory), workshops on specialist topics and joint research projects.